Bhaktivedanta Swami Mission School



We have an excellent in-house transport facility keeping in mind the safety of our children.

The students travel to and fro in school buses (seating for 40). Each bus, in addition to the driver has a male and a female attendant. The attendants and the driver are provided with cell phones and are therefore easily accessible.

Our processes ensure that the bus attendants maintain a comprehensive register to record the number of students availing the bus facility. Our school buses are also used to ferry the students for sports activities, field trips and picnics.

Transport Committee Members are :-

Mrs. Armaity Engineer - Principal

Ms. Simple Tahilianey - Vice Principal

Mr Manoranjan Das - Estate Manager

Mr. Sudhir Chettiar - Sports Teacher

Mrs Suvarna Mohapatra - Teacher

Mrs Swapna Sawant - Teacher

Mrs Jinal Gada - Parent

Mrs Manisha Sonawane - Parent

Mr S. G. Mujhavar - Deputy Education Inspector

Mr Abhijeet Chandrakant Pote - RTO Representative

Ms Poonam Pawar - Police Representative

Mr Anand Patil - Bus Contractor Representative

Rules For Children Travelling By Bus

Pupils travelling by any mode of transport to & from the school are expected to be well behaved and courteous when in the transport. Those using the approved bus services and reported misbehaving will be debarred from using the bus facility.

Children using the school approved buses should carry their bus passes which will be checked by the bus monitors who will be responsible for maintaining orderly behaviour in the bus.

Pre-primary students travelling by bus will not be permitted to travel if they do not have the bus pass/ identity card. Parents will have to come and pick up the child from the school.


Arrangements are made with M/S Ayaksha Healthcare Pvt Ltd for providing health-care diagnostic services in the school premises. Ayaksha, in collaboration with the School has set up a clinic in the School headed by a full-time trained nurse to look into the daily health care, routine injuries and health-related complaints. A medical record card is maintained for each and every child.

The school's paediatrician, Dr Zinal visits once a week. Under her guidance and with the consent of the parents, annual dental check-ups and ophthalmic check-ups are held.

The paediatrician also interacts with the children about important issues like good food habits, eye and dental care and adolescence. Special norms for the required quarantine period of the various contagious diseases like chicken pox and measles are also discussed. Periodical comprehensive medical check-up and vaccination (where called for) of all the students and staff members by visiting doctors from the nearby Criticare Hospital who collaborate with Ayaksha is done. Doctor is called from Criticare Hospital in case of emergency.


Arrangements are made with TATA AIG for providing accidental insurance. This policy covers accidents in school, at home and anywhere in India or abroad.


The school took its first baby steps toward inclusive education in 1999, when a clinical psychologist was hired on a part time basis. Driven by the vision of inclusive education, Principal Mrs. Armaity Engineer voiced her desire to give admissions to children with various kinds of special needs. This was positively received by the management, which paved the way for the employment of a school psychologist. The first child with special needs admitted in the nursery class had speech delays. Soon the school opened its doors and its heart to all children with challenges, and since then, there has been no looking back.

Today, the resource room comprises of two clinical psychologists and one special educator. Over the years, the school has given admission to, and successfully managed children with various kinds and degrees of learning disability, children with mild to severe attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, children across the autism spectrum. Children with physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy, visual impairments, hearing impairments, speech delays are also welcomed.

The resource room conducts individual counselling and remedial sessions, workshops for students, teachers and parents as well as psychometric assessments on staff and students as and when required.


We outsource our Housekeeping staff. Our housekeeping is managed by Rainbow Services, (Proprietor – Mr Rastogi)


Our Security staff is hired from Raj Securities with five people manning two gates - 6 staff per shift plus one lady security. In addition to that we have our own two permanent security members personally heading the security operations.

Our whole campus is under CCTV coverage.

On the periphery we have cameras where the buses are parked at the rear side.